Smart + Strong is pleased to announce the appointment of Tim Horn to the positions of president and editor-in-chief of

Founded in 2000 by HIV-positive treatment activist Peter Staley, provides complete, but not complicated, up-to-date information to help those facing the challenge of living with HIV/AIDS.

Horn assumes the roles previously held by Staley who is stepping down from actively managing the website. Staley will remain founder and advisory editor of

“I’ve had the honor and pleasure of working closely with Peter since the launch of the and look forward to continuing and expanding the work we’ve been doing. We wanted AIDSmeds to be a comprehensive and easy-to-use resource for people with HIV and I’m committed to ensure that our ever-expanding menu of resources-including video and interactive components-fulfill this goal,” says Horn.

Staley says, “I’m eager to continue an advisory role, to ensure that remains the best AIDS treatment website in the business. No other HIV-related website has the combined decades of community-based experience that Tim and I, along with associate editor David Evans, bring to AIDSmeds. No other site has better treatment writers and editors. And no other site has a better reputation for providing people living with HIV the necessary information they need to make empowered treatment decisions-a mission we established the day we launched.”

Horn also serves as a senior editor at Smart + Strong,’s parent company, where he oversees the medical, scientific, and treatment information published in POZ magazine and its sister publications, Real Health (health and wellness information for the African American community) and Tu Salud (health information for the Latino community).

Horn has worked as a writer and editor for a number of other AIDS organizations, including: Physicians’ Research Network (PRN), the Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), the AIDS Treatment Data Network and the PWA Health Group.

Tim is a member of the AIDS Treatment Activists Coalition, a national coalition of AIDS activists, and has served on the AIDS Clinical Trials Group (ACTG) Community Constituency Group (CCG).

Tim has also done an extensive amount of HIV education and advocacy-related work in Mexico, where he lived for over a year, and was a founding board member of Aid for AIDS.